I'm looking in the sql db and I can see something that resembles orders inside wp_posts . However, I would expect them to be inside the tables ...
Sort order of the bundled item relative to other items in the same bundle. The woocommerce_bundled_itemmeta table stores all bundled item options as meta data ...
This includes data, such as name, order history and billing address. WooCommerce uses a combination of both WordPress database tables ...
WooCommerce orders are a Custom Post Type so they're located in the wp_posts table. This contains information like: Example of order data ...
Store WooCommerce order data in a custom table for improved performance. - liquidweb/woocommerce-custom-orders-table.
The latter one is the table that will hold the order item meta data. This table of the same structure as core WordPress meta tables such as ...
Let's talk about those tables to understand why it is important to know which table is responsible for the content in a WordPress site.
... store with the normal WooCommerce data structures and the other with
Transactional emails are a key piece of your order fulfillment process.
@ see https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/template-structure/