To get the User ID from the Order ID, you can use many ways, Here are 2 of them: In WooCommerce 3.0+ you can use WC_Order Class ...
The only thing I'm missing is getting the *user_id*. How can I get the user (in detail: the id), from my WooCommerce Order? code: function ...
Try belo: In WooCommerce 2.5, use get_post_meta() function this way: $user_id = get_post_meta($order_id, '_customer_user', true);.
Or maybe the order ID, customer ID, billing info, payment method, total refunds and so on…
WooCommerce order data linked to user ID. This is how WooCommerce links orders to users. When an order is made by a guest customer, this ...
Only include the User ID while merging if you intend to match users based on it, as it will be used before username or email to identify a user. Please read about ...
Since orders are a custom post type, you can use get_posts to query orders
Get current user ID, find ID by username, email, first and last names, get WooCommerce customer from an order and other examples.
On this page, you can find the Account ID in the top-right corner, the User ID in the ...
WC_Abstract_Order::get_user_id Get user ID. Used by orders, not other order types like refunds. woocommerce.