Pending payment — Order received, no payment initiated. Awaiting ...
Pending payment: This means the order has been created on your website, but the customer's payment hasn't been received yet. For example, it ...
Hi, The orders submitted on my website get stuck as "Pending Payment" although the payment is successfully processed by Paypal and the.
I had 4 orders on my site yesterday. Three of them went through with no issue. But when I logged in this morning, I noticed there was a fourth order (it was actually ...
My payment plugin is WooCommerce Square. Yes I completed the payment manually. The note on the right says " Order status changed from Pending payment ...
Hello, i have a problem i'm using the standard paypal, i have received 4 orders but they are all stuck in “Pending Payment”. I tried to make a test purchase, and it ...
The default order status is set by the payment method or the payment gateway. You could try to use this custom hooked function, but it will not ...
My order processes, PayPal takes the payment, I am returned to my order confirmation, I receive a receipt from PayPal – the order sits in Woocommerce orders ...
This is most likely due to your passphrase. it is the most common issue with WooCommerce orders that aren't updating. Do you have a ...
By default, WooCommerce will cancel the orders that remain in pending status for an hour. This issue can be resolved easily. Go to the admin ...