The payment showed up in my PayPal, but the order is still marked as processing , and she has not downloaded the item. I just manually marked it as complete, ...
If you are using PayPal and orders are staying in Pending, you may have an ...
Once the order is done I see that it is switching from Pending payment to Processing in Woocommerce Orders' tab however once I receive the settlement ...
Your orders remain in a pending state after payment with PayPal.
One way to make this process efficient is to automatically complete WooCommerce orders when they go to the Processing status. Let's see how ...
Paypal IPN is being received by the site and marked as "Completed" for an order, but the order status remains unchanged in WooCommerce and ...
By default, WooCommerce will cancel the orders that remain in pending
also changed to the latest gateway class php posted on this site. still no luck. orders remain in pending and we have to process them manually.
The WooCommerce order status will remain Processing. If a user pays online, but the order also contains a physical product, the user will still ...
Normally, orders with successful payment are updated from 'pending' to ' processing'. Once the order is processed, you have to manually complete it. If your shop ...