An example of updating to a custom status would be:
1st mistake I noticed you made, $this->id MUST be in lowercase. 'Paysecure' is not gonna work here come time for the API hook. // Payment ...
Customer fills his card data and clicks “Place Order” button.
Today we'll take a look at building a simple WooCommerce payment gateway
Gateway,; Customer/Order/Coupon CSV Import Suite,; CyberSource Payment Gateway, ...
Order Status after Checkout. You can configure the status of the orders that were paid using your custom payment gateway.
How to Customize WooCommerce Checkout Fields
WooCommerce allows users to send customized order emails and alter
The pre-order experience is fully customizable and supports both pre-orders charged up front and upon release. If you're using a supported payment gateway, ...
Here's a guide on how to create a payment form in WordPress.