And here is custom CSS snippet to change place order button background . woocommerce .place-order input[type=submit] { background: red; ...
Hi, @onelove108108! You can use the following CSS code: .woocommerce- checkout .woocommerce .argmc-wrapper .argmc-nav-buttons .button { ...
If possible I would also like css to make all buttons white when pressed - some are white and some are black. mikesupport17 October 8, 2020, 8: ...
Adding CSS:
... 'custom_order_button_html'); function custom_order_button_html( $button ) { // The text of the button $order_button_text = __('Place order', 'woocommerce'); ...
Put the following css to the Text Area and click “Update Custom Css”. . woocommerce #content input.button.alt:hover, .woocommerce #respond ...
Finally hide the original WooCommerce Place Order button in your CSS that will be triggered by our new button inside the Popup box:
Please note, that this text changes dynamically depending on a payment method selected: How to change the text on the Place Order button in WooCommerce ...
Editing the design; Changing the text on the “Place Order” button