Order page, the customer reviews any taxes and chooses a ...
The only way I can make any button appear on CHECKOUT page is to WooCommerce
PayPal Checkout now with Smart Payment Buttons™, dynamically displays, PayPal,
I tried to rollback WooCommerce and WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway plugins, but that doesn't help. My shop is paralyzed:((Please help! The page I ...
Once the order is finalised, the customer then clicks on the Proceed to checkout ... PayPal and no other payment method, the “Proceed to checkout” button
checkout. payment.php. But please do not do it , because there is a hook for
Payments Standards payment buttons, including Buy Now, Shopping Cart, Subscription, and Donate buttons.
There is no real money transaction involved in this mode.
The other clue is no one was hesitating to order when using PayPal to
and the customer is sent to the Woocommerce Checkout page, there should be no Billing