Coupon usage counts are tracked, and coupons can also be removed from ...
To further check whether the comment belongs to an order, you can ...
This extension provides a way to add or remove a coupon from a subscription, ...
Is there a way for Woocommerce to reduce stock of a product while the order is in ... I think that it should remove the stock after the order is finished, but it is ...
That feature was removed in WooCommerce 3.5 and order stock is automatically updated only after the order is set to processing (after ...
When it's time to remove a product from your store, it probably feels a little strange
Hi, So I am having a issue where the same order gets stock removed 2 or
Stock increases when products are removed from the cart. Stock levels update to ...
If you go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory you can choose
Customers who place their orders, but never actually pays are reducing my stock constantly, messing up my stock management thus false item quantity …