Does the WooCommerce Rest API offer any way to update meta fields? They have an Extension which adds the ability to add tracking numbers to ...
Please note that you are not required to install the WP REST API (WP API) plugin.
To save a metadata to a line_item (product that is in a order), you can hook the woocommerce_new_order_item action. Hook it like this:
The Shipping Tracking plugin stores the tracking information in the order meta with the meta
down to the JSON response example section you'll see some meta data on that.
Last week we posted an introduction to the WooCommerce REST API, which detailed
Based Web App to the WooCommerce Rest API
Is it possible to update an order by adding a new metadata to a line item through the REST API? I tried with $woocommerce = new Client( ...
@amjad after adding new item also meta array is still using woocommerce 3 and v3 version of woocommerce rest api.
in `wp -content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/api/v2/class-wc-rest- ...