than your own server's mail- sending function.
Transactional emails receive up to 8 times more opens than other types of emails .
You could simply try use the following in any hooked function with a dynamic variable $order_id : // Get the WC_Email_New_Order object ...
WooCommerce allows users to send customized order emails and alter the default
I think you need such type of code. add_action('woocommerce_thankyou', ' my_custom_new_order_email'); function my_custom_new_order_email( $ order_id ) ...
array $ actions order actions array to display * @return array - updated actions */ function ...
New order email– sent customers when a new order is received.
Is it possible to send an “order received” email to a second recipient only if the
filter. the $object passed allows you to only apply this to the completed order email:
How do I customize default WooCommerce order emails to either match