Shows the 'my account' section where the customer can view past orders and update their information. You can specify the number of orders to show. By default ...
Woocommerce has function woocommerce_account_orders() which includes Orders template. You can follow the below steps to display only ...
The customer can also find the order in: My Account > Orders.
The orders stopped showing up in my clients woocommerce shop. When you click on on the Orders tab it shows there have been 5 orders but ...
The answer lies in my-orders.php. You need to use woocommerce_my_account_my_orders_query filter. Add the following code to your ...
WooCommerce 3.3 is a minor release bringing shop display improvements,
In Woocommerce, I would like to add a new column to My account orders list and show the name and quantity of ordered the products.
I am receiving orders on my Woo Commerce store but they are not being sent to Shipping Easy - I have even tried to push orders from Woo...
So to display the products that an order contains, you can use the following: // Adds a new column to the "My Orders" table in the account.