End date of subscription itself (if it expires automatically); Recurring interval and period on which renewal orders are generated to capture ...
The issue seems to be that the end date value attached to a subscription only gets set really late in the order of hooks/actions, so any of the standard hooks you ...
If an end date is set on a subscription, either because the product it relates to has a ...
Customers are charged at the due date, to late to cancel their subscription.
A subscription can be purchased in an order, have an order created when it renews, and have ...
ordered by date 'order' => 'ASC', 'date_query' => array( // Start & end date array( 'after' => $from_date ...
recurring billing period and interval; next payment, trial end and start date; related orders. The reason subscription data includes all order data is because of the ...
end_date, Ending date of the subscription, MM/DD/YYYY H:i:s
Or change the expiration date for an existing subscription?
That way I could have subscription length be one year and set the expiration date to a ... See https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/subscriptions/add-or-