This example code shows how you can add an order option for 'random', but this also works in similar ways for other ways to order your products on the catalog ...
You can use a custom function hooked in woocommerce_product_query action hook this way: add_action( 'woocommerce_product_query' ...
order – Ascending or descending order, “asc” (the default) or “desc”. per_page – How many products to display per page, the default is “12”. show_prefix – ...
Normally the Categories will display based on the Created Date and Updated Date. May i know what is the Code that you have used for ...
Default Sorting (custom + name). Popularity (sales). Average rating. Most recent. Sort by price (ascending). Sort ...
In addition, this WooCommerce sort products plugin also lets customers sort the products in ascending order or descending (or date) order simply by clicking on ...
can also rearrange order of sorting options (including WooCommerce default) on ...
Now, navigate to Posts > All Posts to start re-ordering the blog posts. All you have to do is drag and drop the posts into whichever order you want.
It isn't part of this plugin, but WooCommerce. Select the Attribute (e.g. Size) to edit . Then, you'll noticed an option “Default sort order”. Select the option ...
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