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2go Delivery Visa : Useful Links


Overview. Once your visa is approved, 2Go will either deliver your passport to the location you specified when you scheduled your appointment or hold your ...


The delivery time normally takes within 3-5 business days within Manila areas but if it's in Provincial areas it can take up within 1 to 2 weeks. You ...


2GO will not be able to deliver to these Out of Service/Out of Delivery areas. If you select any of these areas for your document delivery address, you will be notified  ...


2GO commercial courier is the authorized courier service provider for the visa units. Visas are delivered directly to the applicant's designated address. Applicants ...


Assuming we are approved, and that we will be picking up the visa at 2GO rather than delivery to personal address, do you know how much ...


What specific branch can we pick up the released US VISA? Pick up can ...


... long it takes to receive your visa once Embassy approves it? How many days average for 2Go to deliver to Cebu City after Interview? Thanks!


You can track the status of your visa and your passport through our Visa

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