I have not received my ecommerce parcel order yet, what should I do?
Step 1 of 5 - Your details. Please complete this form in five quick and simple steps. Please be aware that there is no compensation for items ...
We will attempt to deliver your parcels, but if delivery is not possible, we'll try to find a safe place at your home. If the parcel cannot be delivered. it will be stored ...
With Saturday delivery, Swiss Post delivers parcels on Saturdays. Similarly
An Post will attempt to deliver a customer's parcels and should delivery not be possible, we will attempt to find a safe place at the customer's home. If the parcel ...
An Post said today that all e-commerce parcels received in line with the
Tracking is updated throughout the day as we scan your post or parcel. You may also find the answer to your question in our Covid-19 Information hub.
A spokeswoman said that while parcels it receives from larger companies “will probably be delivered in time” she stressed that “probably is not ...
An Post parcel hub in Dublin.
Royal Mail will no longer offer a normal Saturday Post delivery as a ...