ex. WJY726502001000930803
DPID stands for Delivery Point IDentifier and is a unique 8 digit number assigned to
The postal delivery point identifier (PDPID) is the intellectual property of Australia Post and may only be assigned to an address using a current AMAS approved ...
the delivery point provides a unique identifier for every deliverable address served by the
http://hl7.org.au/fhir/StructureDefinition/au-deliverypointidentifier. This identifier profile defines an Australia Post Delivery Point Identifier (DPID) ...
Australia Post maintains a Postal Address File (PAF) database which contains Australian postal delivery addresses and their corresponding eight (8) character ...
The DPID contains all the information that Australia Post and New Zealand Post need to deliver a mail item. The postal services can use the eight digits to generate ...
After the FCC is the Delivery Point Identifier (DPID) that consists of eight-digit numbers. They uniquely identify a physical point for the Australia Post to deliver ...
Australia Post offers many mailing services such as Clean Mail, Print