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Do I Need Parcel Protection : Useful Links


Missing items marked delivered For all parcels marked as delivered but is missing, the customer is required to submit a statutory declaration that they did not ...


For solution providers who need to support small and medium-sized retailers with an ecommerce shipping ...


Trust me, you do not want to claiming against any courier company.......it can take months for them to pay out, and that is even if they do accept ...


We do have a list of items that we cannot carry at all (prohibited items) and a further list of items which we protect for loss but not damage. Please read through  ...


But in order to understand how this should be done, we need to consider international human rights law. This also takes into account the growing ...


Parcel Pro helps protect your shipment with a combination of insured


Note: Parcels created after July 1, 2014 are required to achieve the  ...


Why do I need to protect my shipment? Freight forwarders and carriers have limited liability under international conventions for the loss or damage to goods.


You will need to buy additional shipping insurance coverage if you want to protect your

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