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Does Black Box Track Mileage : Useful Links


We don't use Telematics data to fine drivers who wrongly estimate their mileage.


Does the black box track mileage, and can it be used to give the govt. a mileage readout of everyones travels ? If so, I have a big problem with ...


Besides, if the goal is to make users of the roads pay for their upkeep, the gas tax isn't a well-calibrated way to do so. That's because highly ...


Ryan Morrison is chief executive of True Mileage, a Long Beach


While Texas transportation planners scramble to find funding for new roads and to maintain the ones we already have, California is exploring a ...


Subject: The GM blackbox, Does it track mileage? There is plan out there that would tax us, based on a mileage basis, for miles driven. I am ...

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