ex. UG761803552BE
At a pick-up point or Parcel Locker near your home address. Tell us your delivery preferences for your parcels. Where may we deliver your parcels, in case ...
adds custom fields “phone” and “email” address fields to be filled in within the bpost Shipping Manager if delivery address chosen in the shop is different than the ...
Postal service Bpost will no longer deliver all packages to the home address of customers, because of the huge growth in traffic under ...
Brussels, November 16, 2017 - bpost, Belgium's leading postal operator, acquired 100 percent of the shares of Radial after having obtained all ...
Why choose bpost? Fast delivery. Your parcel will be delivered the next workday day in Belgium.
Bugfix: fix error while editing billing or shipping address in backend
Request that the postman delivers the parcel a second time at the same address, at a date of ...