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ex. 2012559505732668
The next day, they left the parcel locker key in their mailbox. First, OP: how can you guys do such mistake. This subreddit isn't "staffed" by Canada Post ...
Contact Canada Post and have them sort it out. They will ...
Has this ever happened to you? Canada Post putting the wrong key for parcel compartment... I actually have 2 deliveries, both tracking says ...
Information · The Postal Service is responsible for providing every customer a compartment lock and three (3) keys to his or her postal-owned ...
I dont know whats wrong with canada post lately, but most likely your package is at ...
Normally, if the parcel was not delivered, it will be returned and available 24 hours later at the Outlet on
Forum discussion: How does Canada Post safe guard the parcel compartment, if the key is common to all recipients in that Community Mailbox ...
If you don't have the key then it may have been placed in the wrong mail box. If your complex