The delivery time of China Post differs with different ways to send the package and different destination countries. In most cases, it could be delivered between ...
ex. RV501834407CN
The delivery time of China Post differs with different ways to send the package and different destination countries. In most cases, it could be delivered between ...
SURFACE: a parcel is transported via land and sea transport. It is cheap, but takes
The Air Parcel is transported by air, SAL by sea, land or air, and Surface Parcel by railway, automobile, or ship. The first two ways need 5-30 shipping time and ...
Since July 2020, China Post parcel delivery speed has been significantly improved. Many parcels to Japan,USA and Europe take only 10 to 15 days. To let our ...
for lead times are 1-2 weeks for regular post, ...
The destination country post company is responsible for the delivery.
China Post has an agreement with the postal service of United States (USPS) and usually you will receive your shipment in your American ...
When you import products from China, regardless of the size or quantity of your order, you will need to consider how to choose a freight ...
Products purchased from China were previously shipped by sea.
however the average total time or time from ordering to delivery has historically been about half that stated, and much