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Cow Tracks Vs Elk Tracks : Useful Links


Re: MOO Cow track Vs Elk Tracks. Post by POk3s » Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:33 pm • [ Post 2]. The smaller cows it's a little tough to tell but ...


If they do, the tracks could be more than a day old. You may also be able to tell if the tracks are from a cow or bull elk. Bull tracks will be slightly longer and wider ...


Elk vs Cattle Track Test Answers. 1- Elk, 2- Cow, 3- Cow, 4- Cow, 5- Cow, 6- Cow , 7- Cow, 8- Cow, 9- Elk, 10- Elk, 11- Cow, 12- Cow ...


Both bull and cow elk have a distinctive light-colored rump patch. Bulls can stand as tall as five feet at the shoulders. Elk tracks are longer and ...


The track in the picture to the right is probably a cow elk track. Smaller tracks likely belong to deer. Cattle tracks have a more circular appearance than elk tracks.


A bulls' track is usually wider than a cow, more rounded. Whereas a cow's is thinner and more pointed in front.


Bovine are usually more rounded, whereas, elk are more pointed. Now if you throw in llama tracks with elk tracks that can be confusing! From: ...


Rule out the possibility the tracks were made by cattle. This is only a concern if you know that there are domesticated cattle nearby. Cattle tracks have a more ...


A bull's front hoof tracks are rounder, wider and bigger than a cow's, whose track will have a thinner, more pointed front. If the tracks are ...

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