Chassis & Safety first sent the mechanic, who has worked for Continental for 27 years, to the winter test track in Arvidsjaur, Sweden in 1994. And for eleven years ...
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Chassis & Safety first sent the mechanic, who has worked for Continental for 27 years, to the winter test track in Arvidsjaur, Sweden in 1994. And for eleven years ...
TEST TRACKS // Our test track in Arvidsjaur, Schweden, offers a 800m long snow handling track, a 400m long ice track and 2 snow tracks, each 400m long.
Automated Indoor Braking Analyzer ushers in new era for tire testing tracks.
Our development partners at Continental are supplying our ABS system
16 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos taken at 'Continental Test Track - Arvidsjaur'
TEST TRACKS // Our test track in Arvidsjaur, Schweden, offers a 800m long snow handling track, a 400m long ice track and 2 snow tracks, each ...
Photo by Ulrich Mager on April 01, 2018. Photo by Ulrich Mager in Continental Test Track - Arvidsjaur. Instagram · Log In Open App. magerulrich's profile picture .
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Continental handed over its redesigned automotive test track in Veszprém. The rebuilt facility, which is unique in its kind in Hungary, is now ...
Continental's winter testing facility in Arvidsjaur, just short of the Arctic Circle,