Whether you need to rearrange a delivery or change the delivery address, we can help you do this today. Use our tool to reschedule a delivery that suits you.
If you missed a delivery, simply use the shipment number on the card we left in your mailbox to see when the courier will come by again or plan a second ...
If you have missed our driver, they'll leave a card notifying you that they'll try to deliver again the next workday. If there's no one at home on the second delivery ...
We deliver from Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. The precise delivery times may differ and depend on the size of the parcel and the ...
marker Australia. marker Bangladesh. marker Brunei. marker Cambodia. marker China. marker Fiji. marker Hong Kong. marker India. marker Indonesia. marker ...
Find out how DHL Express fits into the wider picture of the customs clearance process.
When I track my international DHL Express shipments, why do I sometimes get information for a shipment that is not going to the intended destination?
Create shipping, package labels and customs invoice. Get DHL Express shipping rate quotes, find shipping services and schedule a courier pickup in MyDHL+!
I know the sender, receiver and package details to include on the waybill, but what is all of the other information that is being requested to ship internationally? +.
Perhaps the best option is to have the parcel delivered on your own time. Stall the delivery a couple of days or weeks, so your package will arrive ...