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Fast Track Or Fast-track : Useful Links


1 : of, relating to, or moving along a fast track fast-track executives · 2 : of, relating to, or being a construction procedure in which work on a building begins before ...


Fast track is a process designed to facilitate the development, and expedite the review of drugs to treat serious conditions and fill an unmet ...


Idioms for fast track. on a / the fast track, Informal. advancing or being promoted more rapidly than usual, especially in business or other organizational positions:  ...


Fast Track. Because each of these approaches implies speed, there can be confusion about the specific meaning of each and the distinctions ...


to make it easier for something to happen or for someone to achieve something more quickly than usual: There are calls for the bill to be fast- ...


The fast track is an informal English term meaning "the quickest and most direct route to achievement of a goal, as in competing for professional advancement".


to make it easier for something to happen or for someone to achieve something more quickly than usual: There are calls for the bill to be fast-tracked through ...


Schedule-proof your design. Protect your design with 3-6 week wood ceilings, including approvals. Specify Fast>Track. Watch Video.


Fast Track is a process designed to facilitate the development, and expedite the review, of new drugs and vaccines that are intended to treat or ...

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