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Got a text from FedEx? It might be a fraud attempt, FedEx and law enforcement warn. Here's what you need to know about the latest scam.
FedEx InSight® is a value-added service that can provide eligible customers with a new level of visibility. Alternatively, you can call 03456 07 08 09 (open 7:30am ...
Visit Parcel Plus, a FedEx Authorized ShipCenter, at 3710 Lone Tree Way, Antioch, California. Looking for a FedEx shipping location convenient to your ...
Several people have reported receiving texts that purport to be from FedEx, asking them to set up delivery preferences, complete with a fake ...
It's an exhilarating feeling we can all relate to -- FedEx notifying you that your package has been delivered.
FedEx customers are being urged to not click a link or reply to a fraudulent text about a package delivery.
... with the first all-electric FedEx parcel delivery trucks in the United States.