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Greyhound Track Data : Useful Links


Welcome to TrackInfo.com, your one stop source for greyhound racing, harness racing, and thoroughbred racing including entries, results, statistics, etc.


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Database containing greyhound pedigrees and race results worldwide includes thousands of photos, list of all tracks, many stats, and lists of adoption dogs.


GreyFind is a database of retired racing greyhounds. Many owners are curious about the whereabouts of their grey's littermates, and this site allows you to search ...


Lastly, you can go to www.greyhound-data.com and click on “Dog Search”. By entering the Grey's racing name — or the right and left ear tattoos (this information ...


History and Racing Data. The greyhound has been in existence for over 4,000 years as a pet and a hunter. To run is a greyhound's basic instinct. They are ...


After you have located their track name, go to Greyhound-Data and use the “Dog-Search” feature.


Therefore, we can gather all the location coordinate data for strides of a single racing greyhound and calculate the instantaneous radius of ...

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