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Post Delivery Bleeding : Useful Links


Heavy bleeding after giving birth is called postpartum hemorrhage.


Why am I bleeding? The blood you see after childbirth is called lochia. It's a type of discharge that's similar to ...


5. The risk factors for primary postpartum haemorrhage · Previous postpartum haemorrhages · A body mass index (BMI) above 35 · A twin or triplet pregnancy · Low- ...


After your baby is delivered, the uterus normally contracts to push out the placenta.


How Much Will I Bleed After Birth? · As the uterus slowly shrinks back down to nearly its pre-pregnancy size in a process called involution, the body expels blood ...


Use of oxytocin after delivery of the anterior shoulder is the most important and effective component of this practice. Oxytocin is more effective ...


The bleeding generally stops within 4 to 6 weeks after delivery. You should wear pads, not tampons, as nothing should go in the vagina for six ...


Oxytocin is typically used right after the delivery of the baby to prevent PPH. Misoprostol may be used in areas where oxytocin is not available.

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