A parcel locker is a 24/7 self-service parcel delivery service which allows you to securely collect, return and send parcels with just the scan of a code.
Easy ordering and InPost delivery, good communication re: collection info, easy pick up but
Locker collections take place the working day following the parcel being dropped off.
Take out the parcel. The locker
InPost is a 24/7 fully automated, parcel locker service available throughout the UK and
DSO, Scan Out – Delivery Depot.
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Your ZIP Code helps us to provide the most up-to-date product and delivery information. Home
Inbound – all parcels that arrive at a recipient depot during the day are scanned there. An “inbound” status means that the parcel should be out for delivery soon.
However, we use this scan (held at PO at customer's request) when there is a problem with the address and we cannot figure out where it should go. When we ...