Enter tracking number reference of LaserShip

ex. 1LSCY720002KE2J

Lasership Exception Parcel Not Received From Sender : Useful Links


If tracking says your package is out for delivery, you may leave a note on the door requesting that your package not be delivered. Customer Service: What are ...


They will say its out for delivery, then there will be an 'exception', meaning they lost your stuff. It will take a few days and they will contact you and ...


Note: A delivery exception does not necessarily guarantee a late shipment, but


At 8pm, I looked online to track my delivery, and LaserShip is reporting an “ exception” during delivery: “parcel not received from sender”. I guess that means I'm ...


At around 4pm I check the tracking again and lasership states “exception parcel not received from sender” I'm so confused if this means I won't ...


If an order is lost in shipment that is not the fault of customer. Complaint Type:


I checked the status of the package today and it says there has been an exception and my parcel was not received by the sender. Does that ...


My package was supposed to be delivered today but tracking info says “Parcel not received from sender.” Does anyone know what this means?

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