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Linux Connection Tracking Performance : Useful Links


The Linux kernel contains connection tracking module and it can be


The conntrack module reports on performance counters for the linux connection tracking component of netfilter. Conntrack uses a hash table to track the state of ...


Since Linux kernel version 2.4 .24 (thus Linux 2.6 as well), current HASHSIZE value can be read at runtime ...


Dear Internet, whenever you're setting up a high-performance TCP or specially a UDP server on Linux, don't be stupid like me, and do remember ...


the performance of Linux and netfilter at every major stage of packet filtering: plain routing, connection tracking, filtering and NAT. Two different hardware ...


I would migrate to Kernel >= 3.6 which no longer have a routing cache. That should solve a part of your problems.


pmdanetfilter is a Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) which exports metric values from the IP connection tracking module in the Linux kernel.


For more information, see View the network performance metrics for your Linux ...

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