Service disruptions. Residential customers and small businesses can find out if mail is being delivered, or if their Post Offices are open. Business mailers get more ...
The USPS is not affected by the government shutdown.
The pilots will run for 30-60 days and, for now, affect only city carriers.
Mail is delivered, as are Social Security checks and Medicaid payments. NASA is closed, and the Department of Commerce. Some national ...
The U.S. Postal Service isn't one of the offices that will be affected by a
Mail services including the USPS and FedEx will continue delivering
Since the coronavirus pandemic hit, the volume of mail delivered by
Will mail continue to be delivered to my home? Yes. Mail delivery is deemed an essential service by the government.
The mail will get delivered, Social Security checks will go out, and the
“If the plants run late, they will keep the mail for the next day,” according