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Train Tracks Graffiti : Useful Links


'We sometimes stand on station platforms,” a young graffiti artist tells me. “When a train comes in on the opposite side, we jump on the tracks ...


A person died when they were on railway lines looking to spray graffiti on a train that was stationary on the train tracks and a collision occurred when a train ...


Today, almost all the circus trains are gone. However, viewing outrageously colored railcars along the tracks is not a thing of the past. Think of the last train you ...


The most obvious physical evidence of this culture is train graffiti. Take the Northstar commuter rail past the massive Burlington-Northern-Santa ...


Taggers hit 24 cars on six lines between Saturday and Monday, including an M train coated in "Alice in Wonderland"-like images.


Graffiti vandals tagged a 10-car train at a Brooklyn rail station over the weekend — the latest 1980s style assault on the Big Apple subway ...


Freight car graffiti frustrates rail companies. By Nick Hytrek;. Sioux City Journal;. SIOUX CITY, Ia. – The train passes by, much too slowly for ...


Perhaps you remember commuting in those days, back when track fires disrupted train travel regularly and riders had to evacuate cars and wait ...


Swift9 laughs about the night two years ago when he nearly got arrested for breaking into the rail yard and trying to tag a train car. "Personally, I ...

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