Then you can search for the parcel using the owner name, property address, or parcel ID number. If the parcel is located in the City of Midland, you will need to add ...
The Assessing Comparables Search can still be found at the Assessing Comparable Search website.
Punctuation is not used in our indexes. 3) Tips on the TAX ID Searches. You are required to enter the dashes in the Tax ID search. To find a document/property ...
The District strictly adheres to the Texas Property Tax Code to provide equality and accurate assessments for its constituents and tax base.
If searching by name, many names may come up on the screen. Click on the name that you want to search. This will bring up general information about the parcel ...
The GIS Data page has Shapefiles and CAD files that require standalone software. Interactive Maps. Find customized information about City addresses: City Limits ...
Property collections are located at the Midland Central Appraisal District. Although the functions and responsibilities of the Midland County Tax Office are ...
Find the maps of parcels within City limits.
Parcel-based tax maps are available for all of Midland County, generally based on the one-half square mile north and south section or, in more congested areas ...