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Pickupp Delivery Agent : Useful Links


Be a Pickupp Delivery Agent! 1) Sign up by filling up this form 2) Download the Pickupp Hero App and follow the instructions listed. Start delivering and earning in ...


Did you know that your lead time to deliver each parcel is 2 - 4 hours with Pickupp, as compared to 30 mins - 1 hour with other delivery ...


Sign up for training and download the app now. Available For. Though our Pickupp Hero app ...


Be a Delivery Agent with us in 3 easy steps! Delivery Agent Training Guide. To be our delivery agent, simply follow the steps: Step 1: Sign up to ...


Be a Pickupp Hero to enjoy competitive earnings, flexible working hours and free Medical Benefits. Weekly payment by bank transfer for your extra peace of ...


3) Top up your wallet to see more COD orders! Pickupp Delivery Agent Cash Out. How does it work? 1. Cash Out Your Earnings. Here is ...

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