Enter tracking number reference of PosLaju

ex. EP719519131MY

Poslaju Delivery Attempted Notice : Useful Links


A failed delivery attempt means that the courier driver tried to deliver a


We found premises closed and left a Delivery Arrangement Notice.


now, the problem here is that the delivery guy didn't left any sorry note/ failed delivery notice. can i still go and claim my item at the collection ...


the addressee was absent at the moment of delivery; 2. &nbs... failed attempt. Carrier attempted to deliver but failed, and usually leaves a notice and will try to ...


Carrier attempted to deliver but failed, and usually leaves a notice and will try to ...


We noticed a dog or "Beware of the Dog" sign, and thought it best not to enter the property. The address on the item either didn't have enough ...


Up to that point, I did not receive any call or an “attempted delivery” notice from PosLaju. What's the point of delivering a cancelled card?


Delivery attempted. Left a Delivery Arrangement Notice. Item will be kept for 7 days. Please contact 1-300-300-300 or the number on the Notice for delivery ...


Unlike USPS or UPS, why does FedEx refuse to deliver your package or letter a ...


Delivery attempted. We found premises closed and left a Delivery Arrangement Notice. Item will be ...

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