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S2000 Track Transmission Fluid : Useful Links


S2000 Racing and Competition - Track guys ONLY what tranny fluid do you use? - I ONLY want to hear from track users, or heavy track users ...


The transmission fluid isn't as critical as the diff fluid but should still be changed much more often in a heavily tracked S2000. Most people recommend using the  ...


S2000 Racing and Competition - Diff and transmission fluid recommendations for track day AP1 - Hey guys and gals, I'm looking for ...


Considering the heat, we changed the transmission fluid also. We had recently changed the rear diff fluid, so no need to change it again.


The Honda S2000 CR is track-ready hero right off the showroom floor.


In the Club racing S2000 we built at work we were running Redline MTL and ...


That along with a fresh oil change, transmission fluid and differential fluid was all that was done for the first trip to the track. The FIRM in Starke, ...


Same thing for diff fluid and engine oil. When I am tracking in the summer I change my engine oil about every 1500-2000 miles, and transmission ...

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