Visible damage does not necessarily mean the contents are damaged. It means the box or envelope is damaged, maybe torn or partly crushed, the contents may ...
I see no other explanation at all for this, because "Visible Damage" would have shown for sure on the tracking for USPS. I believe that bait and switchers would ...
Today, I noticed that the shipment history now changed to indicate "In Transit - Visible Damage" with the green clock. USPS tracking still says ...
12 VISIBLE DAMAGE This event indicates that a USPS noticed and documented damage to the item being delivered. 14 AVAILABLE FOR ...
I refused it, and she marked it on her handheld as visible damage.
To learn about, or file, an insurance claim for loss or damage of domestic items.
When USPS tracking says visible damage it usually just means that there is visible damage to the box or packaging the package is being shipped ...
... shipping until it hit the Jersey City USPS center and now its saying Visible Damage on the tracking page. First off What the HELL does visible damage mean, ...
When I tracked it it does say visible damage.
If your package is damaged or has missing contents, please see the ...