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The Great Barrier Reefer | Bongripper

Album is 1 track, but due to Bandcamp file size limits, we had to split this in to three sections. If you are handy with Pro Tools, Cubase, etc you can make it one  ...

Bandcamp Track File Size Limit : Useful Links


Once you've made a few sales through Bandcamp (totaling $20 USD or more), we increase the max per-track upload size to 600 megs. There is no limit on the ...


Step 1: Split the file. Since Bandcamp has a limit of 291MB per track and Arch Linux is ~510MB, we'll need to split it to be able to upload ...


Oakenhelm Synth sorceress Jenn Taiga presents two epic, dizzying tracks fusing ... And if we could somehow ask Bandcamp to remove that silly file size limit for ...


This means you're storage space reduces by song length rather than file size, so you can upload a 3 minute WAV or MP3 file and they'll both ...


Bandcamp recommends an album with 7 tracks will efficiently sell at 7 USD.

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