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Byte-order Mark Found In Utf-8 File W3c : Useful Links


if using notepad++, use Convert to UTF-8 without BOM. if you are using php, make sure that any included/required file is in either in ascii or UTF ...


BOM or Byte order marker is a set of 3 character at the start of a document used in UTF-8 to indicate the start of the text stream. To resolve the ...


The W3C Markup Validator does not indicate a BOM in UTF-8 as an error; it would itself be in error if it did, since a BOM is allowed at the start of ...


The purpose of the byte-order mark is to make sure that your computer system is not reading every sequence of 2 bytes in the wrong order. However, that is not ...


Hi all, I would like to propose removing W21 "Byte-Order Mark found in UTF-8 File" warning from the W3C Markup Validator. W21 "Byte-Order ...


If your editor or browser applies the wrong character encoding to a UTF-8 encoded file with a BOM, you are likely to see a sequence of bytes at the start of the file ...


... I would like to propose removing W21 "Byte-Order Mark found in UTF-8 > File" warning from the W3C Markup Validator.


BOM use is optional. Its presence interferes with the use of UTF-8 by software that does not expect non-ASCII bytes at the start of a file but that could otherwise  ...


When using UTF-8 encoded pages in some user agents, I get an extra


Hi Guys, Facing difficulty in downloading file from XI in UTF-8 format with byte order mark. Receiver File adapter has been configured to download the file in ...

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