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Byte Order Mark Found In Utf 8 File Notepad : Useful Links


if using notepad++, use Convert to UTF-8 without BOM. if you are using php, make sure that any included/required file is in either in ascii or UTF ...


Saving the file in any other text editor (including Notepad++) would fix this.


Download and install Notepad++ · Open the file with Notepad++ · In the menu select "Encoding" and set it to "Encode in UTF-8 without BOM" · Save ...


this often apears when you edit php files with the wrong editor. editor like wordpad are not able to set a file to utf-8 best editor for this is notepad++


You will find that some editors (such as Notepad on Windows) will always add a BOM when you save a file with the UTF-8 encoding, others will offer you a choice.


When using UTF-8 encoded pages in some user agents, I get an extra line or


UTF-8 doesn't actually need the BOM – and yet it is also found in texts


byte order mark found in utf 8 file notepad · how to find byte order mark in file · unicode byte-order mark bom in utf-8 encoded files · how to re-order text files.

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