But where is the admin order email template? I have found file /public_html/ catalog/view/theme/default/template/mail/order_alert.twig which has ...
Order Confirmation :: both customer & admin email. (product
Sure, by editing the catalog/controller/mail/order.php file and by editing the
Integrates with Advanced Email Template Extension attach PDF to
your catalog/view/theme/
Yes of course it's possible. You can modify the content by editing the following template file: /catalog/view/theme/default/template/mail/order.tpl.
You will get Template Menu left side present with other menus. You can create 6 ... Special Note: In Opencart 3, order email template creates seamlessly. You can find
My theme came with a custom mail for the order email template located in ./ catalog/view/theme/theme574/template/mail/order.tpl (see below). I ...
Opencart Mail Template module is the best solution to create a
In catalog/view/theme/default/template/mail/order_add.twig file. Find: