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Can A Minor File A Restraining Order Against A Parent : Useful Links


A minor cannot be granted a restraining order against a current/former household member (unless the minor is considered to be emancipated ...


Compiled by the National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit


By law, a minor child cannot obtain a personal protection order against a parent and a parent cannot obtain a personal protection order against ...


1 parent committed domestic violence against the other parent or the children.


If you are under 18, you can still get a 209A Restraining Order.If you are under 18 , the judge usually wants a parent or guardian to: file for you,; give you ...


Your next friend will file for the PPO for you. PPOs are not for problems between parents and their children. You can't get a PPO against your parent unless you are ...


A restraining order can only deal with custody and parenting time issues temporarily.


or if the minor is a spouse, former spouse, or the parent of a child you

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