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Can I File A Restraining Order Against My Parents : Useful Links


Can I file a restraining order against my father if I'm a minor and I live with him, ...


You can ask the court for an order of protection against someone who


I am scared for my life and any stay away orders I found for CA said you can't file one for your


Yes, your parents can file for a restraining order against your "friend", as you are a minor child. Since your "friend" is presumably not a "family or ...


For protection, you can ask the court for a restraining order to protect you and your


Yes, they can file for a restraining order and they do not need their minor daughter's consent. On the other hand, they may not be able to get a ...


Can I, and should I, file a restraining order or no-contact order against my parents ? You are probably not a lawyer, but I'd still like your thoughts.


I'm 18, can my parents get a restraining order against my boyfriend without my consent? I'm 18, my family hates my boyfriend, he has never ...


They cannot do so on YOUR behalf unless they can allege that he has YOU or committed an act of domestic violence against YOU. If they filed ...

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