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Can I File A Restraining Order Against My Child : Useful Links


1 parent committed domestic violence against the other parent or the children.


The mother filed a domestic violence complaint against her adult son. She sought a final restraining order to remove him from her home on the grounds of ...


If you found this helpful I would appreciate your clicking the "thumbs up" below. If you want to learn more about my law firm access our website: ...


Is your child the victim of bullying or teen dating violence? If so, you may want to think about filing a restraining order against the teen that is hurting them.


We serve and support all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.


Because it is a civil order, you can file this type of order even if the police have never


If you've recently gone through a tough divorce with an abusive ex, you may be concerned for the safety of your children. Immediately inform the ...


Order of Protection against the person who abused you or threatened to abuse you.


18 years old ; The father or mother of your child or unborn child

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