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Can You File A Restraining Order Against Your Child's Mother : Useful Links


If your child's other parent has been abusive to you or your children, it is very


» How Can A Lawyer Help With Child Custody and Visitation? After a divorce where the children proceed through a custody battle, the parent with the primary or ...


One parent gets a protective order against the other on behalf of the child — This process normally occurs when one parent suspects the other of ...


if the person who filed for a restraining order proves the allegations contained in his


Yes. A restraining order will contain custody and visitation orders tailored to the needs of your family. The court will consider the best interests of the children in ...


In order for the court to grant a protective order, you would need physical abuse or the threat of such. Since you have neither, you should file for a ...


You can't get an order preventing the child's father from trying to be in the child's ... do not support the application for a protection order against domestic violence. You should consider filing with the court to establish custody, ...


If you have a restraining order against your child's other parent, and you have agreed to, or the court has ordered, visitation between the child and the other parent, ...

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