Output: python-reverse-file-output-1. Example 2: Reversing the order of lines. We will use the above text file as input. Python3 ...
Tests. Preparations. I've generated 4 files using fsutil command: empty.txt with no contents, size 0MB; tiny ...
1. Take the file name from the user. · 2. Read each line from the file using for loop and store it in a list. · 3. Print the elements of list in reverse order. · 4. Exit.
reverse order of lines (emulates "tac") # bug/feature in HHsed v1.5 causes blank
Create test1.txt and test2.txt, which you can use as sample files to test
lines = textfile.readlines().
Sometimes we have a text file that needs reversing.
cat file4.txt >> file-all.txt. Append
Display catcnt.txt, but with all lines in reverse order (the last line first). 7.
In the above I could read the contents of text file to the screen.