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File Restraining Orders In San Bernardino : Useful Links


An Emergency Protective Order (EPO) is initiated by Law Enforcement by getting approval from a Judge (can be done 24/7) when there is a serious threat. Once a  ...


The San Bernardino Superior Court offers you this free online program to fill out ... you can still print your completed document to take to the courthouse for filing.


Civil Harassment Restraining Orders · Domestic violence restraining order (for protection from people you were involved with romantically at some point or close  ...


Other people you are not closely related to. Important: If you are 65 or older or a dependent adult, you can file a civil harassment restraining order against someone ...


Take your forms to the court clerk and they will give them to the judge. A judge has two business days to decide whether to grant your request for protection. If the ...


Visit Superior Court of San Bernardino for restraining order information; Only in rare emergency situations can a Police Officer issue an Emergency Protective ...


Fill Out Your Court Forms and Prepare to File. 1. Fill out your restraining order forms. Fill out: Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders ( ...


Understanding the Different Forms of Restraining Orders · Emergency protective orders are mostly used by law enforcement agencies and offer temporary ...


The state of California allows people to file restraining orders for their personal safety. A court-issued restraining order is meant to protect the victim from injury, ...

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