Not every file created or updated in your code should be committed to Git.
git add -f [files you want to track again] git commit -m "Refresh removing
It lets Git know that it should ignore certain files and not track them.
I just started using vscode editor and when I checked git status I saw that it has the warning of the .vscode/ file not being tracked. How do I have it ...
files that can be derived from your repository source or should otherwise not
Manually ignoring files that you don't want to track is manageable on a
To stop tracking a file that is currently tracked, use git rm --cached.
The .gitignore file is meant to be a list of files that Git should not track.
If it is not already on the Home page click the house icon in the top of the Team
change has been staged for the repository because the Git ignore file did not exist before. The hidden .gitignore file is how Git tracks which files to not track.