To combine mods in order to make Morrowind as graphically appealing as
Is there a way to change the load order in the data files menue from the start up menu? I'm using rebirth, mgexe, code patch and better fonts ...
posted in Morrowind Mod Troubleshooting: Whatever I do, with Wrye Mash or anything else, the load order always seems to default to dates ...
The load order is the order in which Morrowind loads .esm's and .esp's.
For details on editing openmw.cfg, please see How To Install and Use Mods
I've already put a ton of mods into the data files and I've never used a mod manager before. Is that all a mod manager does? Edit: Solved it right ...
put everything in my data file .
Morrowind keeps trying to load Bloodmoon first
(here's the interesting part) gameplay-mods / esp-loadorder : the folder further UP has the higher priority. And thats funny. I tested it this way: I installed two different mods changing birthsigs. The first in
I can still play the game fine, but now when I click Data Files the launcher crashes . EDIT: The load order for the main files was: Morrowind ...